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Medicinal products
- Used as an aid in prevention of atherosclerosis and first symptoms of the common cold.
- Herbal medicine to support immunity and for common colds.
- LABODIET HEPAPROTECT contains the artichoke leaf extract. The artichoke promotes liver health and the proper function of the gastrointestinal tract and bowels.
- Herbal medicine containing horse-chestnut seed used for prevention and treatment of lower leg pain and edema, varicosity of lower limbs and hemorrhoids.
- Herbal medicine to relieve transient depressive states, improve the mood, and relieve digestive issues.
- Vitamin C, dog rose hip, lime flower and elder flower support the proper function of the immune system.
- Herbal diastolic medicine used in inflammations of the digestive system.
- Herbal medicine used to relieve early symptoms of the common cold.