Centaurea cyanus – Cornflower, bachelor's button; Asteraceae, formerly Compositae – Aster family, formerly composite. The raw material is the cornflower ray flower.
Agropyron repens – Couch grass; Rhizoma Agropyri (syn. Rhizoma Graminis) – Couch grass rhizome; Poaceae (Gramineae) –Grass family. The part used in medicine is the couch grass rhizome.
Calluna valgaeis - Common heather, ling; Ericaceae – Heather family. The parts used in medicine include the heather flower and the heather herb.
Borago officinalis – Borage; Boraginaceae family. Parts used in medicine include the borage seed oil and the borage herb.
Solidago virgaurea - European goldenrod, woundwort; Asteraceae, formerly Compositae – Aster family, formerly composite. The part used in medicine is the European goldenrod herb.
Taraxacum officinalis – Dandelion; Asteraceae, formerly Compositae – Aster family, formerly composite. The raw material is the dandelion root.
Levisticum officinale Koch. – Lovage; Apiaceae – Celery family. The parts used in medicine include the lovage root and rhizome.
Tilia - Linden; Tiliaceae family. The raw material is the linden flower head.
Phaseolus vulgaris – Common bean; Fabaceae (Papilionaceae) – Legume family. The part used in medicine is the dried bean pericarp.
Betula pendula (Betula verrucosa) – Silver birch, warty birch; Betulaceae – Birch family. The raw material is the birch leaf.