Zingiber officinale – Ginger
Zingiberaceae – Ginger family
The raw material is the ginger rhizome – Zingiberis rhizoma and the oil isolated from it – Zingiberis oleum.
Ginger – appearance and origin:
A perennial originating from Southeast Asia; currently, it is not found in the wild, but is grown in subtropical regions, mainly Jamaica, China, India, Brazil, West Africa and Australia. The rhizome is horizontal, strongly developed, divided into bulbous, aromatic parts. The shoots are up to 1 m tall, resembling cane shoots. The leaves are alternate, entire, lanceolate. The shoots have flower heads and are covered with imbricate leaves. The flowers are dorsal, yellow-violet, with one developed stamen. Grown ginger does not bloom. It is reproduced vegetatively.
Ginger – effects and use:
Ginger contains up to 3% oil, resin, starch (20%), sugars and organic acids. The main ingredients of the oil are sesquiterpene compounds which give the plant its aroma: zingiberene (up to 50%) and zingiberol. It also contains: cineole, borneol, citral, falandrene, camphene and aldehydes – gingerol (gives the spicy taste), shogaol and zingerone. With regard to nutritients, 100 g of fresh ginger contains 87 g of water, 1.4 g protein, 0.7 g fat, 8.7 carbohydrates, vitamins B1 and B2, 4 mg vitamin C, 20 mg calcium, 45 mg phosphorus, 7 mg iron, 387 mg potassium, and around 3% of essential oils.
The rhizome and the isolated oil stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, have a spasmolytic (carminative) and choleretic effect, reduce nausea and vomiting, prevent vomiting after anesthesia and chemotherapy. Tinctures, rhizome extracts oil and the powdered raw material are used to treat motion sickness.
Ginger reduces the aggregation of blood platelets, preventing blood clots. It is a necessary part of the diet of people with high cholesterol. It enhances focus and mental efficiency, as it improves blood flow to the brain. Some powdered ginger cancels out the harmful effects of coffee. Ginger can also be used as a tea infusion, as tablets or in candied form to prevent the common cold and treat upper respiratory infections. The oil and the rhizome are used as added flavorings and aromas. The rhizome is valued as a spice for meats, fruit and baked goods; it is also an ingredient of curry. Ginger overdose (tea, tincture, tablets, raw) can cause dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and irregular heartbeat.
Ginger is recommended for low-grade fever and mild shivers, when the body needs support to fight sickness. It acts as a diaphoretic, disinfectant and antiseptic. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it is useful for oral care and refreshes the breath. Ginger can also help in losing weight. Ginger oil stimulates circulation and therefore is part of slimming, skin firming and anti-cellulite cosmetics.