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Blue gum

Blue gum

Eucalyptus globulus – Blue gum
Myrtaceae – Myrtle family
The raw material are older eucalyptus leaves – Eucalypti folium which are used to source eucalyptus oil.

Blue gum – appearance and origin:

A fast-growing tree originating from Australia and Tasmania, spread and grown in the Mediterranean, Indonesia, New Zealand and Brazil. Propagated by seed in the spring. It grows up to 60 m, is heterophyllous. Older leaves have petioles, are alternate, lanceolate, leathery, bare, dark green on the top. Young plants and branches have alternate, sessile, ovate leaves. Flower buds are solitary on short pedicels. The fruit has numerous seeds and is a woody capsule with many small seeds.

Blue gum – effects and use:

Eucalyptus is used externally for inhalations in acute and chronic upper respiratory inflammations, bronchitis, common colds with coughing and catarrh, sinus infection. It stimulates respiratory secretion, relaxes the bronchi, thins residual mucus and promotes expectoration. It disinfects the skin and mucosas. The essential oil contained within eucalyptus leaves is the main ingredient of body creams used for common colds, upper respiratory catarrhs, asthma and bronchitis.

Eucalyptus is:

– Antiseptic – it is very useful in treating common colds, flu, throat pain.
– Expectorant – used for lung infections, i.a. bronchitis and pneumonia.
– A warming agent – used for relieving upper respiratory infections. Eucalyptus leaf infusions are used for throat gargling.
– Analgesic – dilluted eucalyptus oil can be rubbed into sore spots to relieve rheumatic pain, stiff muscles, neuralgia. Eucalyptus oil is useful for treating some bacterial infections of the skin.
– Used for other medical purposes – treating herpes, tension headaches, viral infections.