Calluna vulgaris – Common heather, heather Ericaceae – Heather family Parts used in medicine: heather flowers – Callunae flos (Flos Callunae, syn. Flos Ercae) and heather herb –Callunae herba (Herba Callunae), harvested from natural spots at the start of blooming and dried in natural conditions (shaded and ventilated) or in drying rooms in 40° C.
Borago officinalis – Borage Boraginaceae – Borage family Parts used in medicine include borage seed oil and the herb. The oil is obtained by cold pressing ripe seeds. The herb is harvested during blooming and dried in drying rooms in max. 40° C.
Solidago virga-aurea – European goldenrod, woundwort Asteraceae, formerly Compositae – Aster family, formerly composite The part used in medicine is the European goldenrod herb – Solidaginis virgaureae herba, harvested at the start of blooming and dried in natural conditions in max. 40° C.
Taraxacum officinalis i– Dandelion, common dandelion Asteraceae, formerly Compositae – Aster family, formerly composite The raw material is the dandelion root – Taraxaci radix, the dandelion root and herb – Taraxaci radix cum herba and the dandelion leaf – Taraxaci folium. The root is harvested in the late autumn, cleaned and dried in natural conditions (shaded and ventilated) or in drying rooms in max. 30° C. The leaves and the root and herb are harvested before blooming, cleaned and dried whole or cut in the same conditions.
Levisticum officinale Koch. – Lovage Apiaceae – Celery family The parts used in medicine include the lovage root and rhizome, harvested in the second or third year of vegetation in the autumn or early spring.
Tilia – Linden Tiliaceae family The raw material is the inflorescence of two species. The blooming flower heads are harvested together with bracts at the end of June (Tilia platyphyllos) or in July (Tilia cordata), when the weather is dry. It is to be dried in natural conditions (shaded and ventilated) or in drying rooms in max. 35° C.
Phaseolus vulgaris – Common bean Fabaceae (Papilionaceae) – Legume family The part used in medicine is the dried bean pericarp from white-flowered plants Pericarpium Phaseoli sine semine.
Betula pendula (Betula verrucosa) – Silver birch, warty birch Betulaceae – Birch family The raw material used in medicine is sourced from two species: the silver birch Betula verrucosa and the downy birch Betula pubescens. The pharmaceutical raw material is the leaf (Betulae folium) of both species, harvested by hand in the summer from their natural habitats, dried quickly in the open air in the shade.
Sambucos nigra L. – Elder, Black elder Caprifoliaceae – Honeysuckle family Entire umbels are harvested at the beginning of blooming and dried in natural conditions, shaded and ventilated or in drying rooms 30° C and then separated from the stem.
Cichorium intybus – Cykoria podróżnik Asteraceae, formerly Compositae – Astrowate, dawniej Złożone Surowiec stanowi korzeń cykorii podróżnika – Cichorii radix, zebrany we wrześniu i wysuszony w suszarniach ogrzewanych, oraz ziele cykorii – Cichorii herba, zebrane w VIII i wysuszone w warunkach naturalnych (w cieniu i w przewiewie).