Humulus lup ulus L. – Common hop; Cannabaceae family. The raw material is the ripe hop infructescence and glandular hairs from dried strobiles.
Thymus vulgris – Common thyme, garden thyme; Lamiaceae, formerly Labiatae – Mint family. The parts used in medicine are the thyme herb – Thymi herba and the thyme oil – Thymi oleum.
Glycyrrhiza glabra, syn. Liquiritia officinalis – Liquorice, licorice; Fabaceae, formerly Papilionaceae – Legume family. The raw material is the liquorice root and stolons and also the concentrated aqueous extract from fresh roots and stolons.
Thymus serpyllum – Wild thyme, Breckland thyme, creeping thyme; Labiatae – Mint family. The parts used in medicine include: the wild thyme herb Herba Serpylli and the wild thyme oil – Serpylli oleum.
Linum usitatissimum – Flax, cultivated flax; Linaceae family. Parts used in medicine include: ripe linseeds – Lini semen, cold pressed linseed oil – Lini oleum and pomace (flax flour) – Lini seminis placenta.
Hyssopus officinalis – Hyssop; Lamiaceae, or Labiatae – Mint family. The raw material is the hyssop herb – Hyssopi herba.
Centaurea cyanus – Cornflower, bachelor's button; Asteraceae, formerly Compositae – Aster family, formerly composite. The raw material is the cornflower ray flower.
Agropyron repens – Couch grass; Rhizoma Agropyri (syn. Rhizoma Graminis) – Couch grass rhizome; Poaceae (Gramineae) –Grass family. The part used in medicine is the couch grass rhizome.
Calluna valgaeis - Common heather, ling; Ericaceae – Heather family. The parts used in medicine include the heather flower and the heather herb.
Borago officinalis – Borage; Boraginaceae family. Parts used in medicine include the borage seed oil and the borage herb.